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Opening hours

Monday to Sunday

11.00 to 23.00

Last booking at 22.30

(By appointment, no walk-in)

Company Address

T: +44(0)7929059111

Gunnersbury Avenue, Acton Town, Ealing, W5 4HA

You are welcomed to make an appointment by internet, phone call or texting by mobile.


Massage at your hotel/home: Please kindly make a booking one hour in advance. (phone or email or booking system)


Massage at our therapy room: Please kindly make a booking 20mins in advance.   (phone or email or booking system)



Booking phone number: 07929059111


Booking email address:


Booking via system as below(only supported with computer)

(Please write down your hotel name and time of booking, your name and your contact number.

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